In Part one of this article I explained how to reinstall the Windows XP Operating System as a solution for your sluggish computer. Now you have Windows going, and if any drivers for chipboard, sound and graphics, came on your supplier restore CD, it should automatically have reinstalled. In case you had to set up from a normal Windows CD, which might not have specific drivers for your computer, it is extremely essential that you load the files and updated drivers you downloaded, before you load other things. If you’ve added hardware to your computer (except RAM) after you bought it, you’ll have to update those motorists as well, if you have a vendor restore CD even.
But, before this even, let’s take some precautionary steps in case one or other installation will go haywire. I’ve experienced this way too many times to disregard it. A restore must be created by you point on which you can fall back again. Click on start , Help and Support, under Select a Task select Undo Changes with System Restore. On the right hands side check Create a Restore click and Point on Next. Type in a description. I usually name it something about the next step I will take, like B4Drivers, nevertheless, you can name it anything. Windows adds the date and time. Click create. Click Close and close the Help Window.
Now load the next files and motorists in the mentioned sequence and everything should be working properly. It gets a bit difficult here, because each computer is configured a bit not the same as another and you simply might experience a glitch. However, There is it works more often than not. First set up Service Pack 1 for Win XP.
Now install the chipboard driver you downloaded for your motherboard. Next is the Network Drivers. Even if you do not at the moment have a network, installing these motorists are essential if you may connect to a network later on. Now set up the sound credit card drivers. Remember from the Part 1 lesson, only the billed power cord is plugged into your computer at this time. For starters, keep it such as this for a bit longer when you install the following. First to look is Windows Installer, then Win XP Service Pack 3. Now set up all the printing device, scanner, modem, camera and other peripheral drivers you need, using their own installation CDs.
After each one of these installations, I visited the Hard Drive’s Properties in my own Computer and did an instant cleanup. I examined the quantity for errors and also do a defrag then, because the disk was showing fragments while i analyzed it already. However, this is optional, which means you can skip it for the present time and take action later. Take away the Windows CD from your CD Rom drive Now.
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- Ensure that the PC is not warming up
Shut down your personal computer and plug in all your peripherals, which differs from each user also. The main things, though, is the network cable, modem or 3G card, loud speakers, printers etc. Also plug super fast drive if you are using one. Now start the computer. Windows should now install any plug and play drivers you didn’t install.
Before you start installing your user applications, there are a few more steps to be taken just, mostly for safeguarding your personal computer. Set the administrator password. The administrator accounts has all privileges a merchant account can have. So anyone who can sign in as administrator can do anything they prefer to your personal computer and also, don’t browse the internet with administrator’s privileges. Right click on My Computer, select Manage, in the resulting application broaden Local Groupings and Users, go for Users, right select Administrator, and choose Set Password.