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Have Fun • Do Good

Should all nonprofits have a blog? Can developing a blog benefit your company? Are eight benefits of having a nonprofit blog Below. 1. Blogs help provide quick, up to when information about your organization and cause. If you’ve worked for a nonprofit, you know how painfully long normally it takes to construct a newsletter.

Blog content, on the other hands, can be written in 15-30 minutes. You can not only share organizational information as it happens, you can also comment on how breaking news in the global world relates to your cause, or organization. Tip: If you’re heading to use your site as a normal communication tool, please allow visitors a subscription by email as well as rss. Many, many people do not know how a subscription by rss.

  • On the pop-up display screen, you’ll be given options
  • Make a Story
  • 14Click the Activate Now button
  • Custom feed

Use something like Feedblitz or Feedburner Email to assist in visitors’ subscribing by email. 2. Blogs can help you work faster. Because you have a blog, doesn’t mean you should stop having an e-newsletter, or print newsletter. In fact, it can benefit provide content for both. If you’ve been posting on your organization’s blog regularly, you’ll have plenty of content to pull from when you sit down to write your newsletter. If you’re writing an e-newsletter, you can point back to the original blogs, that will also drive traffic back to your organization’s website. 3. Blogs may help you reach more folks. As the original post on your site.

As an excerpt in your e-newsletter, and hitting through to read the rest. As being a talk about in your Twitter feed, and clicking on through to read the rest. As an excerpt on your Facebook feed, and clicking to browse the rest. When someone email messages it to them. When someone stocks it with them using an AddThis like button on the bottom of the post.

When another blogger links to it on the blog. 4. Blogs can raise the search ranking of your website. Search engines like sites that upgrade their content and have plenty of incoming links regularly; consequently, they like blogs! 5. Blogs can provide you the press you seek. Rather than crossing your fingertips that a reporter covers a story about your projects, blogs will help you create your own coverage. For instance, Community United Against Violence used a blog to cover the trial of men accused of murdering Gwen Araujo, a woman they killed after they discovered that she was biologically male. CUAV’s blog eventually drew media attention to the trial when the blog was included in the news.

Also, if you are writing about the same topics repeatedly on your site, whenever a reporter is searching for an expert on your concern online, your content may come up at the top of their serp’s. 6. Blogs can help your followers and potential supporters get to know and trust you.